Gerard Ahern PP
Parishes: Baltinglass Tel: +353 59 6482768 M: +353 87 6298881 E-mail office: aherngerard22@gmail.comPP Baltinglass

George Augustine PP
Parishes: Kilcock and Newtown Parish Tel: +353 16103512 E-mail office: info@kilcockandnewtownparish.ieCC Kilcock

Gerard Breen PP

John Brickley PP
Parishes: Cooleragh Staplestown Tel: +353 45 860281 E-mail office: standco100@gmail.comPP Cooleragh & Staplestown

Joseph Brophy PP
Parishes: Ballyfin, Mountrath Tel: +353 57 8755227 M: +353 87 2411594 E-mail office: jmbrophy2@gmail.comPP Ballyfin, Mountrath

Paddy Byrne PP
Parishes: Abbeyleix, Ballinakill, Raheen M: +353 87 9948505 E-mail office: abbeyleixparishchurch@gmail.comPP Abbeyleix, Ballinakill, Raheen

John Byrne PP VG
Parishes: Portlaoise Tel: +353 57 8621142 M: +353 872453206 E-mail office: john@portlaoiseparish.iePP VG Portlaoise

Brendan Byrne Chancellor
Tel: +353 59 9176725 E-mail office: chancellor@kandle.ieChancellor & Diocesan Secretary

Charles Byrne PE

Peter Cribbin PE

Vincent Crowley Deacon
Parishes: Tullow E-mail office: tullowparish@outlook.comDeacon, Tullow Parish

Michal Cudzilo CC
Parishes: Newbridge, Caragh, Caragh (Prosperous) Tel: +353 45 431741 E-mail office: parishoffice@newbridgeparish.netCC Newbridge, Caragh, Prosperous

Thomas Dillon CC
Parishes: Askea, Bennekerry, Tinryland Tel: +353 59 9164882PE CC Askea, Bennekerry, Tinryland

Thomas Dooley PP
Parishes: Portarlington, Emo Tel: +353 57 8643004 E-mail office: frtomdooley@eircom.netPP Portarlington and Emo

Eugen Dragos CC
Parishes: Portarlington, Emo Tel: +353 57 8646517 E-mail office: portarlingtonparishoffice@eircom.netCC Portarlington and Emo

Patrick Dunny PE

John Dunphy PP
Parishes: Graiguecullen/Killeshin Tel: +353 59 9141833 E-mail office: gkparish@gmail.comPP Graiguecullen/Killeshin

John Fitzpatrick PP
Parishes: Carbury Tel: +353 46 9553355 M: +353 87 9812186 E-mail office: carburyparish@gmail.comPP Carbury

Michael Flattery CC
Parishes: Naas, Sallins, Two Mile House Tel: +353 45 879730CC Naas, Sallins, Two Mile House

Declan Foley PP
Parishes: Bagenalstown Tel: +353 59 9721154 M: +353 87 6684299 E-mail office: pdlfoley@gmail.comPP Muinebheag (Bagenalstown)

Shem Furlong CC
Tel: +353 59 9142127 E-mail office: info@knockbegcollege.ieDeputy Principal, Knockbeg College

Denis Harrington PE

Patrick Hennessy PP
Parishes: Leighlin Tel: +353 59 9721463 E-mail office: patrickbhennessy@gmail.comPP Leighlin

Brendan Howard PE

Seán Hyland CC
Parishes: Rhode, Clonbullogue Tel: +353 57 8645582 E-mail office: hylandjohnliz@yahoo.ieCC Rhode & Clonbullogue

Edward Kavanagh PE

Barry Larkin PP
Parishes: Suncroft Tel: +353 45 441586 E-mail office: suncroftparish@gmail.comPP Suncroft

Thomas Little PP VF
Parishes: Askea, Bennekerry, Tinryland Tel: +353 59 9131559 M: +353 87 2481731PP VF Askea, Bennekerry, Tinryland

Francis MacNamara PE

Brian Maguire SPS PP
Parishes: Tullow Tel: +353 59 9151277 E-mail office: tullowparish@outlook.comPP Tullow

Ciprian Matei CC
Parishes: Portlaoise Tel: +353 57 8509998 E-mail office: ciprianmatei88@gmail.comCC Portlaoise

James McCormack PE

Joe McDermott PE CC
Parishes: Caragh Tel: +353 45 903889 E-mail office: jmcder44@gmail.comPE CC Caragh

John McDonald PP
Parishes: Curragh Camp Tel: +353 45 441369 E-mail office: stbrigidschurchcc@gmail.comPP Curragh Camp

P.J. McEvoy PP
Parishes: Edenderry Tel: +353 46 9732352 E-mail office: edenderryparishcentre@gmail.comPP Edenderry

John McEvoy PP
Parishes: Rathvilly Kiltegan Tel: +353 59 9161114 E-mail office: jmce51@gmail.comPP Rathvilly

Terence McGovern PP
Parishes: Hacketstown Tel: +353 59 6472586 E-mail office: terencemcgovern97@gmail.comPP Hacketstown

Paul McNamee Chaplain
Diocese of Sacramento, California

Liam Merrigan PP
Parishes: Monasterevin Tel: +353 45 525346 E-mail office: monasterevin.parish@gmail.comPP Monasterevin

Michael Moloney

Edward Moore PE

Liam Morgan PP VF
Parishes: Naas, Sallins, Two Mile House Tel: +353 45 879730PP Naas, Sallins, Two Mile House

Mícheál Murphy PP VF
Parishes: Mountmellick Tel: +353 57 8679302 M: +353 86 8244629 E-mail office: mfmurphy59@gmail.comPP Mountmellick

Alphonsus Murphy PE

Rory Nolan PP
Parishes: Borris Tel: +353 59 9773128 M: +353 87 2714161 E-mail office: borrisparish@gmail.comPP Borris

Conn O Maoldomhnaigh President
Tel: +353 59 9153236 E-mail office: presoffice@carlowcollege.iePresident, Carlow College St Patricks

Paul O'Boyle PP
Parishes: Clane & Rathcoffey Tel: +353 45 868249 E-mail office: pauloboyle64@gmail.comPP Clane

Patrick O'Brien PE
Retired to St Patrick’s Missionary Society, Kiltegan

William O'Byrne PP

Jim O'Connell Adm
Parishes: Ballon Rathoe Tel: +353 9107906 M: +353 86 8102675 E-mail office: jamsieoconnell@gmail.comPP Ballon

Jackie O'Connell PE

Ruairi O'Domhnaill PP
Parishes: Newbridge, Caragh, Caragh (Prosperous) Tel: +353 45 431741 M: Priest on Duty +353 87 2554908 E-mail office: parishoffice@newbridgeparish.netPP Newbridge, Caragh, Prosperous and also Vocations Director

Joe O'Neill PP
Parishes: Kill Ardclough & Johnstown Tel: +353 45 878008 E-mail office: joeoneillknl@gmail.comPP, Kill

Philip O'Shea PE

Adriano Oliveira CC
Parishes: Portlaoise Tel: +353 57 8600121 E-mail office: pe.adriano1976@gmail.comCC, Portlaoise

Robert Petrisor CC
Parishes: Naas, Sallins, Two Mile House Tel: +353 45 879730CC Naas, Sallins, Two Mile House

Bernard Reyhart CC
Parishes: Caragh (Prosperous) Tel: +353 45 841806 M: +353 852325095 E-mail office: parishoffice@prosperousparish.netCC Prosperous

Patrick Roche Deacon
Parishes: Leighlin Tel: +353 59 9722607 M: +353 83 1957783 E-mail office: pglroche@gmail.comDeacon, Leighlin Parish

Pádraig Shelley PP
Parishes: Arles, Doonane Tel: +353 59 9147637 E-mail office: arlesparish@gmail.comPP Arles, Adm. Doonane

Martin Smith Chaplain
Tel: +353 59 9175612 M: +353 59 9142632 E-mail office: martin.smith@itcarlow.ieChaplain, IT Carlow

P.J. Somers PP
Parishes: Curragh Camp Tel: +353 45 441369 E-mail office: stbrigidschurchcc@gmail.comCC Curragh Camp, Army Chaplain

John Stapleton PP
Parishes: Killeigh Tel: +353 57 9344161 M: +353 87 2465186 E-mail office: john@killeigh.comPP Killeigh

Mark Townsend PP
Parishes: Graignamanagh Tel: +353 59 9724238 E-mail office: graigparish@kandle.iePP Graignamanagh

David Vard Adm
Parishes: Stradbally Tel: 057 8625132 E-mail office: david@svtparish.ieAdm. Stradbally

Thomas Walshe PP
Parishes: Rosenallis Tel: +353 86 25831 E-mail office: rosenallisparish@gmail.comPP Rosenallis