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Confirmation 2025 – “Without Him, I can do nothing” Jn. 15:5

Inspired by Blessed Carlo Acutis, who is to be canonised on April 27th 2025, and aligned with the Jubilee Year of Hope, this theme highlights dependence on Christ as the source of hope and faith. It also complements the Synodal Pathway encouraging unity, reflection, and a journey of faith shared as a community.

Confirmation Challenge 2025

For this years’ Confirmation Challenge Bishop Denis invites you to take on ONE of the following challenges

1. Eucharistic Adoration Visits:
Organise sessions where candidates can spend time in prayer before the Blessed Sacrament, reflecting on Blessed Carlo’s devotion to the Eucharist, recalling his words: “The Eucharist is my highway to heaven”.

2. Random Acts of Kindness:
Recall Blessed Carlo’s words: “A life will be really beautiful if we arrive to love God above all things and our neighbour as ourselves”.

Brainstorm what Random Acts of Kindness the children might perform at home, in school, in the parish and in the community. Ask the children to write the ideas on cards then collect the cards and place them in the sacred space. Invite the children to pick a card every morning and perform the Act of Kindness that day.

3. Sharing our Faith:
Blessed Carol’s words: “Everyone is born as an original, but many people end up dying as photocopies”.

How do we experience our dependence on Christ in daily life? Arrange small group discussions where pupils can share examples of their own experience. Have the children write some of their examples on post it notes, collect the notes and display on a poster in the Sacred Space under the heading ‘Without Him I can do Nothing’

4. Recall Blessed Carlo Acutis’ words:
“Everything passes away … what alone will truly make us beautiful in God’s eyes is the way that we have loved him and our brothers”.

Plan activities such as helping in the parish, visiting the elderly, fundraising for charity organising or supporting parish events to live out their call to serve others in Christ’s name

5. Digital Presentation: 
Recall Blessed Carlo’s words: “God has written for each one of us a unique and unrepeatable story, but he has left us the freedom to write the conclusion”.

Have candidates research and present on Blessed Carlo’s life and how his message applies to their modern-day context.

Below are the guidelines for Celebrating Confirmation including planning sheets for parishes and schools.