Saint Peter & Paul’s Church
Sunday | |||||
8.30AM 10AM 11.15AM 12.30PM | |||||
Saturday | |||||
10 AM, 6.30PM | |||||
Monday | |||||
7:30 AM, 10 AM | |||||
Tuesday | |||||
7:30 AM, 10 AM | |||||
Wednesday | |||||
7:30 AM, 10 AM | |||||
Thursday | |||||
7:30 AM, 10 AM | |||||
Friday | |||||
7:30 AM, 10 AM (First Friday 7.30PM) | |||||
Holy Day | |||||
7.30PM (VIGIL) 8.30AM 10AM 12.30PM | |||||
Adoration every day 10AM UNTIL 7.30PM |
Date of Church: 1965 Style: Gotic Architect: Jones and Kelly Building Pastor: Fr. Thomas Browne P.P. Seating: 1800 St. Peter & Paul’s is a large structure in red brick. The bell, baptismal font, tablernacle, holy water font and other items, were transferred from the old church. The windows are very beautiful, depicting the rising sun, in coloured glass. St. Peter & Paul’s underwent extensive renovation and reordering in 2008 at the initiative of the present parish priest Msgr. John Byrne V.G.