Abbeyleix, Ballinakill & Raheen
In 2014 Pope Francis launched a prayer action called ’24 Hours for the Lord’ to encourage people to return to the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Eucharistic Adoration and the Sacrament of Reconciliation would be available in St Peter’s Basilica and three other Roman churches.
The hope was that the action would be replicated all over the world, and that at least one church in each diocese would remain open for the full 24 hours to offer the Sacrament of Reconciliation (Confession) to those who wished to celebrate it.
In 2015 it took place in three churches in the diocese. This year (4/5March) the Church of the Most Holy Rosary, Abbeyleix will be one of the churches to remain open with Eucharistic Adoration from 5pm on Friday to 5pm on Saturday with priests available for Confession throughout the time.
There will be a Penance Service at 7.30pm on Friday during which the Sacrament of Reconciliation will be celebrated.
Penance 7.30pm
Night Prayer 12midnight
Morning Prayer 10am
Caragh Parish
Invite all to
All are welcome to spend some time with the Lord.
Program as follows
5pm        Mass. Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament afterwards
7pm       Rosary or Prayer
8pm       Rosary or Prayer
9pm       Rosary or Prayer
10pm     Rosary or Prayer
11pm     Rosary or Prayer
12pm     Night Prayer of the Church
1am       Rosary or Prayer
2am       Rosary or Prayer
3am       Rosary or Prayer
4am       Rosary or Prayer
5am       Rosary or Prayer
6am       Rosary or Prayer
7am       Rosary or Prayer
8am       Rosary or Prayer
9am       Rosary or Prayer
10am     Morning Prayer of the church
11am     Rosary or Prayer
12pm     Rosary or Prayer
1pm       Rosary or Prayer
2pm       Rosary or Prayer
3pm      Special Prayers for children
4pm       Blessing of the sick, followed by Benediction
Confessions are available throughout the 24 hours.
Light refreshments are available for the 24 hours.
Everyone Very Welcome
Starting with Evening Mass for Lent at 7pm on Friday 4th and continue until the Saturday Evening Vigil at 7pm on 5th March.
Eucharistic Adoration for the 24 hours and a scripture reading and reflection on the hour and Confessions available throughout the 24 hours.